⧨ :quickfilter

The Quickfilter is one of the essential tools in Diskofox. It helps you to browse your files more efficiently. In any directory, just start typing to filter the files by name. You can also use Regular Expressions to define the filter.

But the Quickfilter not only allows you to filter by name: You can search for any metadata that is supported by Diskofox. If you hover any column or tag, you will find the identifier for the Quickfilter at the end of the tooltip. This is how it looks like: ⧨ :mtime / :mt.
As you can see, there are two identifiers. You can use both of them. The first identifier is the complete identifier. It is recommended to use this when you want to persist filters or use them in Python scripts. The second identifier is an abbrevation. It is a dynamically generated shortcut that you can use when typing quickfilters. However, abbrevations might differ depending on which metadata objects are registered in your Diskofox. They are not stable and might change when you extend Diskofox with plugins or using your own scripts.

Here is an example: If you want to filter all files that have been modified today, you can type: :mtime today, but you will get the same results when you just type :mt to. If you want to filter all files modified within the last 30 days, you can type :mtime <30d

Which Quickfilters can I use?

You can filter for any MetadataObject which is registered in Diskofox. That means that you can filter for everything you see in a tag or column of Diskofox' file list. Hover the tag or the column header to see the Quickfilter identifier. You can find a list of all MetadataObjects using the action Configure columns. Hover the items to display the description. At the end of this page you will find a list of the providers shipped with Diskofox.

Connect multiple filters

You can filter files by multiple criteria by using the && (and) and the || (or) operator. You can also negate single Quickfilter queries using the ! prefix. && operators are applied from left to right. This is important to know as you can speed up the performance of your filter by putting fast filters, for example file name or extension, first, and run more slow ones after, for example looking for the file contents.
And-operators always connect queries, Or-operators separate them. For example a && b || c && d shows you the results for (a and b) plus the results for (c and d).

Here are some examples:

:type directory || :mtime today
Shows all directories and additionally all files that have been modified today.

.txt && :content hello
Shows all files that contain ".txt" and contain the word "hello".

:mimetype image && !type svg
Shows all images except SVG-files.

\.txt$ && :content abc|def
Shows all files that end with ".txt" and contain "abc" or "def". Note that you need to enable the Toggle quickfilter Regex Alt+X option for this filter to work.

Where can I use Quickfilters?

Quickfilters can be used in any file list and in most of the other lists. You can also use them in the action Search Ctrl+F. You can save a directory including the current Quickfilter to your favorites list with Add current view to favorites (For example. you could by default filter your Download directory to only display the files created today). You can also use Quickfilters in the Run Python script Ctrl+P using the functions directory.filter("...") and directory.search("...")

List of MetadataObjects

NameQuickfilterFilesystemFile Extensions
Aspect Ratio⧨ :aspect_ratioanybmp, gif, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff
Bit Rate⧨ :bit_ratefile://aac, flac, mka, mp2, mp3, ogg, wav
Channels⧨ :image_channelsfile://bmp, gif, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff
Contained files⧨ :folder_childrenanyany
Created⧨ :ctimefile://any
Dimensions⧨ :dimensionsanybmp, gif, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff
Image dimensions in pixels.
Dimensions⧨ :dimensionsfile://avi, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mpg, vob, wmv
Duration⧨ :durationfile://avi, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mpg, vob, wmv
Duration⧨ :durationfile://aac, flac, mka, mp2, mp3, ogg, wav
Encoding⧨ :encodinganyany
Favorite⧨ :is_favoriteanyany
Indicates whether the file or folder is marked as Favorite.
File content⧨ :contentanyany
Folder Size⧨ :folder_total_sizeanyany
Free disk space⧨ :disk_storagefile://any
Height⧨ :heightanybmp, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff
Height⧨ :heightfile://avi, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mpg, vob, wmv
Icon⧨ :iconanyany
Retrieve file icon.
Is Link⧨ :linkfile://any
Last Access⧨ :atimefile://any
Mimetype⧨ :mimetypeanyany
Mime type, derived from the file extension. For example image/png.
Mode⧨ :modefile://any
Modified⧨ :mtimeanyany
Name⧨ :name_onlyanyany
Name⧨ :nameanyany
Name of the file or directory.
Owner⧨ :uidfile://any
Path⧨ :pathanyany
Full path of the file.
Sample rate⧨ :sample_ratefile://aac, flac, mka, mp2, mp3, ogg, wav
Size⧨ :sizeanyany
Retrieve the filesystem_prefix size in Bytes, Megabytes or Gigabytes. Example filters: <10k, >10m, <1g
Size (Bytes)⧨ :size_bytesanyany
Display the file size in Bytes. Example filters: <10k, >10m, <1g
Type⧨ :typeanyany
File type, estimated by its extension. E.g. png, jpg, or "Directory" for directories.
Width⧨ :widthanybmp, gif, ico, jpeg, jpg, png, tiff
Width⧨ :widthfile://avi, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mpg, vob, wmv